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'Just start over. Start fresh': Central Georgians share their New Year's Resolutions

As we embark on the new year, people are looking back on 2023 and all they accomplished and many deemed it as a year of growth, healing, and perseverance.

MACON, Ga. — Happy New Year!

As we embark on the new year, people are looking back on 2023 and all they accomplished. Many people deemed it as a year of growth, healing, and perseverance.

New Year's resolutions are a promise to do something differently in the new year. Some might want to get healthier or be better financially. Some stick with their resolutions, while others might break the cycle.

But overall, it's the thought that counts.

After talking to some Central Georgians about their New Year's resolutions, they say they're ready to live in the moment and embrace new opportunities. 

For some people, they've reached their destination. For others, it's been a journey.

Florida resident Charlene Savage said 2023 made her live in the moment. 

"You have to just let go of some things and just heal," Savage said. "Heal your inner self. I find giving more a big thing for me because the more you give, the more you receive and the more you receive the more you're able to give."

Macon resident Jessica Abrams said her journey in 2023 was finding herself and remembering the important things in life like appreciating family, setting boundaries, and self-care.

"We all need some self-care," Abrams said. "If I can't take care of myself, I can't take care of those around me. So self-care was really, really important for me this year."

Betty Williams said she's reached her destination and wants this new year to bring happiness to everyone. She's celebrating a birthday before the new year is over and says she hopes everything goes well with everybody during the holidays.

"When you're happy, it makes everybody else happy," Williams said. "If everybody's happy, we won't have too much problems in the world."

Bailey Combs was shopping with her kids and stopped by to give their input. Her son Brody said he wants to stop fighting with his little brother, but she said she's learning to embrace the time spent with each other.

"Be present," Combs said. "Be there in the moment and not worry about what's coming next. Perseverance I would say is 2023 in a nutshell so we're persevering and moving onto next year."

Ethelene Clayton said in 2024, she's looking forward to turning a new leaf and growing into her best self. 

"God created love and wants us to love each and every one of us," Clayton said. "It's all a new beginning. Just start over. Start fresh. Do right. Don't make resolutions you're not gonna keep. If you make a resolution, don't tell anybody. Tell it to yourself and then just stick with it. Do things simpler to make life easier and not harder."

What are some of your resolutions?

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