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Flannery O'Connor's home reopens for tours

Georgia College will reopen the home of the famous southern writer, Flannery O'Connor.

A historic landmark is reopening after closing its doors back in August 2017.

Flannery O'Connor's Andalusia home will open for tours in Milledgeville on Tuesday, June 19th.

As soon as you walk onto the front porch, you can hear the wind and the birds chirping.

Director of Historic Museums at Georgia College Matthew Davis says he hopes the tour will give people a sense of how O’Connor lived.

"How did a woman that knew that she was dying of Lupus deal with the limitations of her life here at the farm but also overcome them?” Davis asked.

These are questions Davis hopes to answer when people visit the home. Inside her bedroom are some items that held great meaning to her. She had her Bible on the bedside, a cross hanging on the wall, and her typewriter next to her bed.

Davis said, "A very well-thought out layout considering her health and limitation. "

Davis said O'Connor woke up around 7 a.m. most mornings and that she lived a structured life. He says her room is his favorite part.

"You kind of get inside the mind of O'Connor. You can kind of see the somewhat chaotic but somewhat organized workspace,” Davis said.

There are also pictures of O'Connor, her family, and her prescription after she was diagnosed with Lupus. Davis says Georgia College and others spent $30,000 keeping the home in its original condition, even the floors beneath her desk.

Davis said, "All the furnishings in the room are original to the space and we are very proud to showcase some of O'Connor's original China."

People can tour the home Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets prices are as follows:

Adults: $7

Senior Citizens: $6

Students: $2

Children six years and under: Free

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