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'The whole thing just fell': People in Cochran react to severe weather damage at Circle K

A storm caused the awning over the fuel pumps at a Circle K to collapse. People in the community called it scary and others weren't surprised.

COCHRAN, Ga. — A stormy afternoon led to significant damage at a Circle K in Cochran. Kristearia Stanley was at McDonald's off Second Street when the awning came crashing down.

"One of our customers, we were supposed to be bringing out her food but it was raining so bad, so she was trying to drive under here so we could walk it to her under the thing soon as she pass under the whole thing just fell," Stanley said.

Cochran Police Chief Jeff Trawick heard about the news from one of his patrol officers.

"He just called me and said: 'Hey, chief part of the roof come down and almost hit my car.' So I went over there and looked and the roof and the side piece of the awning had come down right next to his patrol car," Trawick said.

Stanley said a man usually sits outside of the store, and she wanted to make sure he was okay.

"I came over here to check on Mr. Carl, because I thought he was still sitting right there, so I ran to the store and I'm like okay he in the building," Stanley said.

Stanley said she's grateful because it could have been worse. One woman's daughter needed medical attention.

"I guess she had a heart problem and she had to go have her heart dilated or something like that and her car was right here but her car didn't get messed up. They wasn't in the car when it fell but it was still running so that's why I say God is real," Stanley said.

Stanley calls the Circle K a downtown staple.

"It's downtown it's very busy you will never not come and it don't be busy. It's always busy," Stanley said.

Chief Trawick said other than the damage at the gas station it was a typical stormy day.

"One or two power lines and a couple trees down but other than that it's been fairly quiet," Trawick said.

Trawick said he wasn't surprised the awning fell because it's been up for awhile. The Circle K used to be a Flash Foods. The old logos were hidden until the roofing collapsed.

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