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Community wants action after Arkansas 7-year-old was shot and killed

Community members are now discussing how to stop the violence after Chloe Alexander was fatally shot while she was on her way to the Little Rock Zoo.

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas — A family continues to mourn the death of 7-year-old girl, Chloe Alexander who was shot and killed over the weekend near the Little Rock Zoo.

The latest outrage has since then led to more discussions on how to combat the rise in violence within the local community. Little Rock leaders gathered around the table on Monday to discuss how to stop gun violence.

The meeting included Reverend Benny Johnson with Stop the Violence, the Moms Demand Action, as well as newly elected State Representative Tara Shepard.

"We need to protect our children, protect our families, as well as, protect our community. It's past time," said Shepard.

Representative-elect Shepard of District 79 will take office next year. She said there needs to be a focus on new legislation that will address background checks, age limitations, and red flag laws.

"Thoughts and prayers is all good, but we need legislation and we need policy to change," said Shepard.

Other suggestions, included more community involvement and addressing socio-economic issues in Arkansas.

One woman who attended had a different concern. She asked why the seats weren't filled with more people, especially our elected officials.

"I look in the pews, where are the prosecutors? Where are the U.S. Senators? Where are the congresspeople? Tell me where these people are. No one is here. No one showed up," said Jacqueline Smith.

Besides Jacqueline, only a handful of people attended the meeting.

She said the only way to solve crimes like what happened to Chloe Alexander, is to hold everyone accountable and unify.

"People need to know. We need to come together as a community. We need to stand as one," said Smith.

In Little Rock alone, there have been 35 homicides since the beginning of the year. Which is 12 more homicides than the same time last year.

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