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Dublin Police: Man shot three times outside mother's home, other home 'shot up'

While the shootings are under a mile away from each other, it is unclear whether or not the shootings are connected.

DUBLIN, Ga. — Two shootings took place in Dublin Tuesday evening less than a mile away from each other, incident reports from the Dublin Police Department show. 

In one shooting, a man was shot three times outside of his mother's home. In the other shooting, a home was "shot up" as the residents were heading to bed.

The shootings — one in the 200 block of Marcus Street, and the other in the 500 block of Pine Street — were separated by roughly two hours. Geographically, the two locations are under a mile from each other. 

The first shooting took place at around 10 p.m. on Marcus Street.

According to the report, Sgt. Larry McGirt responded to Fairview Park Hospital where he met the victim in an exam room. The victim said he was standing outside his mother's home when a vehicle drove up and opened fire.

The victim didn't know what the car's make or model was, but the report described the car as a "black small vehicle." They say the victim suffered three gunshot wounds, but it is unclear what their condition is right now.

When officers arrived at the home on Marcus Street, they found multiple shell casings on the scene.

Then, nearly two hours later, McGirt responded to another shooting under a mile away. It happened in the 500 block of Pine Street just before midnight.  

The Dublin Police Department received a call after residents reported "their house had been shot up."

They were getting ready to bed "when bullets started coming through their house." No one was injured in that shooting. 

McGirt said he found multiple shell casings in the road and the home's yard, then searched the area on foot. 

It is unclear if the two events are related. We requested information from the Dublin Police Department but have not received anything at the time of publishing.

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