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Ideas for healthy meals throughout the school year

Before sending the kids out the door for school, be sure to give them the right fuel

Backpacks aren't the only thing getting packed before school begins.

Lunch boxes are too, but even before that comes breakfast.

Naomi McKensie, clinical dietitian at Coliseum Medical Center, says breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.

"Your body needs fuel to get up and go," McKensie said.

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She says fuel that's not in the form of sugar.

"Pop-Tarts, those have as much sugar as a candy bar, they're not gonna concentrate, " McKensie said.

But fuel in the form of substance.

"If you're thinking, 'okay what do I have in my refrigerator,' most people are going to have waffles frozen. Add a little fruit to it, and you can add a little peanut butter," McKensie said.

After breakfast, the next challenge is to pack a healthy lunch.

But before filling your shopping cart to stock up, McKensie says think balance.

"You want to make sure you have your protein, your carbohydrates and a minimal amount of fat," McKensie said.

Mckensie says some basic tips include:

  • Pick wheat over white--whole grains keep kids fuller longer.
  • Skip out on sipping on sugar, choose water or milk.
  • Always pack a fruit or veggie.
  • If kids want chips, choose a baked chip or cracker to cut down on fat.
  • Portion control is key for fats. If you pack nuts or trail mix, fill the palm of your hand and put it in a plastic bag.

McKensie also says the calories a child needs depends on their age and gender.

Boys typically need more calories than girls and older children also require more calories.

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