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After re-election, Macon mayor reflects on county growth while projecting more to come

Mayor Lester Miller says he's not just talking about population growth — he's talking about economic interests like industry and tourism.

MACON, Ga. — After winning Tuesday's election, Macon-Bibb Mayor Lester Miller reflected on growth across Bibb County during his first term. Now, he's projecting more in his next four years holding the gavel at the Macon-Bibb County Government Center.

"Our community hasn't grown like I thought it should've over the last decade so I think the last three years we have grown a lot more than that," Miller said Wednesday. "So, I think that's something that people are going to have to get used to some growing pains. You may have a little bit more traffic than you're used to. A little bit more longer wait in the line for your food than you're used to. So those are some good challenges we like to have."

Miller's thoughts on growth look simple enough, but there's a lot more to it.

"Like the number of jobs in our community," he said. "In the last, since 2022, we have over 1,700 jobs, between new jobs, 1,300, 1,400, and retained jobs. That brings new people to Macon."

Miller points to Thursday's announcement of 600 new jobs at First Quality's south Macon diaper plant. All those people need somewhere to live. Miller says according to planning and zoning records, there are hundreds of new homes in town.

"That's why there's such a rush in Macon to build housing that people can afford and that's why you're seeing all those complexes going up in Macon," he said.

Despite the new jobs, census estimates show Macon-Bibb County has fewer people living in it than in 2020, but Miller says he thinks the county is undercounted. He points to the COVID pandemic as complicating the count in Bibb County and across the nation. 

The 2023 records estimate the county is home to about 156,000 people, which is roughly 1,000 people fewer than the 2020 census. However, Miller thinks the correct number is now closer to 160,000, and he points to other data that paint a different picture.

"Based on the traffic counts we get each and every day, certainly, I believe by the time we get to the next census, Macon-Bibb County is going to increase," Miller said.

So, his staff is at work trying to make sure the county is ready.

"We're putting aside more money for roads, we've been doing a beautification effort. Trying to hire as much staff as we can, giving support wherever it's needed," Miller said.

Even though he wants the county to grow, Miller says it's important to keep that goal sustainable. Miller says down the line, he'd like to see about 200,000 people calling Bibb County home.

The mayor says the county also has "record" tourism lately. Last year, visitors brought about $14 million to the county. This year, he says Bibb is on pace to make $22 million from out-of-towners.

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