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This Southwest student has faced a lot of challenges, now he is heading to college

McKinlee Hall's journey at Southwest High is a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

MACON, Ga. — Every day, the halls of Southwest High School buzz with activity as students navigate their academic and personal lives. But beyond the surface, stories of perseverance and resilience are waiting to be told.

"If anybody in this school been through something, I've been through something," Hall said. 

From athlete to class officer, McKinlee's roles at Southwest High are many, but his early years were marked by adversity.

"I was in a single-parent home. I only have my mother, and I don't even know my father," Hall explained.

Raised by a single mother battling substance use disorder, McKinlee faced challenges that influenced his behavior and led to encounters with the law.

 "I had found myself with a group of friends that got me in trouble. So I ended up going to an alternative school,"  Hall said.

Despite the innocence of childhood fading quickly,  McKinlee made tough decisions to support himself and his sister from a young age.

"It was times like we would go to sleep like, you know,  no food, and I would have to go and rake yards just to get some money to put on the lights," Hall described. 

Moving in with his aunt,  McKinlee faced further challenges when she relapsed on drugs—but his junior year marked a turning point.

"Seeing what my sister was going through, she was hurt and going through the motions, so it was like, I gotta change for us," Hall said. 

McKinlee refocused on academics, football, and his faith, culminating in a solid finish to his senior year and a GPA of 3.2.

"If you told me five, six, or years ago I'm going to be graduating now with the respect and honors I have, I wouldn't believe you," Hall said.

McKinlee reflects on his journey, recognizing the challenges as integral to his growth and success.

"It taught me self-accountability. It taught me responsibility," Hall said. 

With gratitude, McKinlee acknowledges the support of friends and teachers at  Southwest High, always carrying the memory of his late grandmother and brother with him.

"I know if I need anything, she's right here with me every step of the way," Hall said.

McKinlee's story is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, with determination and support, one can overcome.


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