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Japanese 'Cat Island' population has more feral cats than people

Hoards of feral cats have made the remote Aoshima Island in Southern Japan their home, where they outnumber humans six to one.
'Cat Island' is southern Japan is home to more than 120 cats, according to Reuters.

ID=24331557It's a cat lover's dream come true, an island where felines outnumber humans.

Hoards of feral cats have made the remote Aoshima Island in Southern Japan their home, where they outnumber humans six to one, according to Reuters.

The mile-long island was home to 900 people in 1945, but now 120 cats — and just a few residents — have taken their place.

There are no cars on the island and only one ferry runs twice daily from Ehime Prefecture.

And while it's not exactly an average tourist's dream come true, curious friends of felines are hopping on the ferry daily to catch a glimpse of "Cat Island," Reuters reports.

Ferry captain Nobuyuki Ninomiya told the Japan Daily Press that he seldom brought tourists to the islands until recently.

"Now I carry tourists every week, even though the only thing we have to offer is cats,"Ninomiya told the publication.

The cats were originally introduced to the islands to deal with a booming mice population, but soon the tables turned. With no predators, the cats began multiplying.

Disgruntled locals have made attempts to curb the out-of-control population, and at least 10 cats have already been neutered, according to Reuters.

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